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After All the Turmoil in Higher Education in Response to the Israel-Hamas War, Diversity Educators Continue to Miss the Mark on Religion

Over the last few months, I, like many of my colleagues involved in interfaith engagement, have had countless conversations with people trying to understand the Israel-Hamas war and respond to its implications for college campuses. My advice to all…

Four African Americans Whe Have Been Hired to Diversity Positions in Higher Education

Chancey Page is the new assistant director and coordinator of diversity initiatives in the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at West Chester University in Pennsylvania. Before joining West Chester, he served as the interim assistant director…

CWRU receives Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award for 12th consecutive year—and launches early arrival program encouraging minority student connection

Psychologist William Cross—author of Shades of Black: Diversity in African-American Identity—is known for his theory of racial identity development that emphasizes the importance of group identity among students of color. As Cross puts it, “racial,…

Professors: Free Speech and Intellectual Diversity are Not Essential to Higher Education

Our contention is that calls for greater freedom of speech on campuses, however well-intentioned, risk undermining colleges’ central purpose, namely, the production of expert knowledge and understanding, in the sense of disciplinarily warranted…

ACSA issues joint statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion censorship in education | News | Archinect

The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) has joined its sibling organizations in landscape architecture and planning in opposing the concerted efforts of far-right lawmakers to prevent the inclusion of race and racism topics into…

Education Minorities Struggles

Education minorities refer to individuals or groups who face barriers and challenges in accessing quality education due to their race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language, or cultural background. Education is a fundamental human right and plays…

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Board Moves Closer to Final Approval

Photo by Matheus Viana from PexelsBy Selene Raj A new board promoting appreciation, acceptance, and respect for cultural differences passed unanimously during the first reading at Wednesday’s commission meeting. Called the Diversity, Equity, and…

Education Secretary Calls Diversity Program Cuts Latest…

WASHINGTON ― U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said Tuesday that he believes attacks on diversity programs in…

Quantifying Campus Diversity: Measuring College Inclusivity

Quantifying campus diversity is crucial for higher education institutions as it provides a clear understanding of…

Embracing Diversity: Promoting College Inclusivity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are crucial components of a thriving college environment. Diversity…

Navigating Diversity: Challenges in College

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are crucial components of a thriving college environment. Diversity…

The Advantages of College Diversity

A diverse campus community offers a wide range of benefits to students, faculty, and staff. Firstly, it provides a…

Empowering Underrepresented College Students

Underrepresented college students face a myriad of challenges that can hinder their academic success and overall…

Staff Choice

Mormon Educators Offer to Help Brigham Young University’s LGBTQ Students Transfer

After Brigham Young University leadership reiterated a campus ban on “same-sex romantic behavior” on March 4, Mormon writer Meg Conley put out a call on Twitter, offering to edit application essays for LGBTQ students who wanted to transfer…

Air Force cadets undergo gender-inclusive training

No more letters home to Mom. Air Force cadets are being told to address people in ways that “include all genders” — dropping the use of “boyfriend or girlfriend” and even “mom and dad.” Diversity and inclusion (D&I) training at…

New White House report seeks employment, quality of life improvements for military families

A report from the White House, scheduled to be released this morning, says that unemployment among military spouses remains at 22 percent, leading 39 percent of military families to discuss leaving active-duty military service. Generated by…

Americans Want Diversity in Higher Ed, But Less Sure About Affirmative Action

Although the U.S. Supreme Court slammed the door on race-conscious admissions practices this past June, Americans still broadly believe in the importance of diversity in higher education. And Americans have complex beliefs about…





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