OPINION | This article contains political commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.
I recently happened upon an interesting NBC headline and related article promotion tweet that was misleading on multiple accounts.
Firstly, it’s not educators that are leaving the education profession. It’s activists who are (hopefully) leaving the education profession when their ability to be activists became restricted in Florida. What they should have said is that “some LGBTQ activists are leaving the education profession.”
Secondly, the bill is called the “Parental Rights in Education” bill. It doesn’t restrict the ability to say gay. It is designed to ensure that young children are being taught age-appropriate content and not indoctrinated by activist ideology. And once again calling it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill is intentionally misleading and blatant misinformation. But they don’t care about actual misinformation, only restricting speech with which they don’t agree or which is counterproductive to their agenda.
As Disney recently admitted to their “not-at-all-secret gay agenda,” so too have activists in education across the country. What’s especially terrifying is that while there are a LOT of videos of activists telling you exactly how they are indoctrinating your children in their classrooms, this only represents the ones bold (or stupid) enough to publicly post about it. How many more know to keep their mouths shut and continue to act quietly in the classroom where you don’t know what’s going on?
Feel free to scroll through these 50 examples of activists in education, from the incredible accounts called “Teachers Exposed” and “Libs of Tik Tok.”
.@BrookeSchool 1st grade teacher records an “identity share” zoom call with K-2 grades where he spoke about being trans.
“When babies are born the dr looks & makes a guess on whether the baby is a boy or girl. Sometimes the dr is wrong. If they are right, the baby is cisgender” pic.twitter.com/qYGFm9B7rF
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 10, 2022
The transition closet was approved by the principal at Fremont High School. #Groomers #education #ParentsAreWatching #LGBTQ pic.twitter.com/Y4b6WNiwzo
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) April 9, 2022
“The goal of the transition closet is for our students to wear the clothes that their parents approve of, come to school and then swap out into the clothes that fit who they truly are.”
-Mr. Martin-Edwards
Fremont High School in OUSD pic.twitter.com/6ykIiKmp6S
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) March 16, 2022
“I don’t care what their parents think we should call them.”
-Mrs. Wheeler
ELA teacher @TheJeromeTigers in Jerome, ID pic.twitter.com/n8L07wfUvf
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) March 17, 2022
“All I’m doing is sort of shifting the construct of the story problem, but I’m incorporating LGBTQ issues into that.”#woketeacher #teachertraining #edutwitter #K-12 #education pic.twitter.com/AREqpzoGHX
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) March 23, 2022
Introduction to “Queering the Curriculum”. pic.twitter.com/g7vAF0RWmB
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) March 24, 2022
BREAKING: Glasgow High School GSA club is meeting during instruction time to prevent parents from knowing. pic.twitter.com/OlHBqkzW1i
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) March 30, 2022
This is a lesson that was given today in Mr. Grouzes’ English @PenncrestHS class today for Trans Day of Visibility. pic.twitter.com/mL0tQiWHjx
“Let me introduce you to our non-binary alpaca.”
-Mr. Vuong, a fourth grade teacher @Renton_Schools pic.twitter.com/4CMpDl3c30
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) April 4, 2022
“Welcome to the classroom of a ✨young✨ 🏳️🌈queer🏳️🌈 social studies teacher.”
-Miss Simmons, a high school social studies teacher @Southern_Cayuga. pic.twitter.com/PYOsqCNR8K
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) April 6, 2022
Mrs. Maya from @BanyanCreekES ignores the fact that you can love all students without talking about gender and sexuality with them. pic.twitter.com/6fCQZ5DHKV
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) April 7, 2022
Meanwhile Ms. Kersey admits to buck the system on a regular basis and teaches racism in her math class. #Teachers #Critical Race Theory #Racism #schoolchoice #parents #ParentsAreWatching https://t.co/8tvpS6Eq6E pic.twitter.com/UZH3Hu2U0Y
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) April 5, 2022
Ms. Williams claims that coming out to her students is the best decision that she has ever made. @ALMSNewRo pic.twitter.com/woQD7fUabB
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) April 8, 2022
We must remember that they use words as a strategy in their fight on our children. #edutwitter #schools #schoolchoice #fundthestudent pic.twitter.com/dAgi0l1VmC
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) April 8, 2022
Mrs. Avila might have to use @avilalawfirm, which is where her husband practices law. pic.twitter.com/A5L72dfDf0
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) March 30, 2022
“Before coming out as nonbinary, I would come out to my students every October on National Coming Out Day.”
-Mrs. Flint is an English teacher @OfficialSJHHS pic.twitter.com/Sx8ne4M8Cu
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) March 28, 2022
Mrs. Cartwright has political posters in her classroom and even captions one of her other videos with the #teachingispolitical
Mrs Cartwright teaches @awcpaspartans pic.twitter.com/c6SFgluQoA
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) March 31, 2022
They are just giving these students clothes without parental consent. They are providing chest binders and tucking underwear. @VALIDByBrodie pic.twitter.com/Qjm8wp5gn1
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) April 4, 2022
Miss Stout believes that she is above the law. pic.twitter.com/Z8cAtcpQr3
— Teachers Exposed (@_TeacherExposed) April 5, 2022
“If your parents don’t accept you for who you are, f*** them. I’m your parents now” – Oklahoma middle school teacher
This teacher was let go last week after complaints of grooming and this tiktok + others containing questionable content were brought to the principal’s attention. pic.twitter.com/eBgAWCW3K7
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 11, 2022
New Jersey teacher goes through examples of the new sex-ed lesson plans for 1st grade. First graders are being taught about gender identity and that it’s okay to identify with the opposite gender. pic.twitter.com/c1cqEdcBlQ
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 10, 2022
Why would a school promote made up pronouns? pic.twitter.com/E3tp2iMvnc
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 10, 2022
Kindergarten teacher in California is excited to read books to 6 yr olds about nonbinary kids crossdressing and using the opposite bathroom in school pic.twitter.com/PoczbsW1T0
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 8, 2022
This polyamorous genderfluid witch is a preschool teacher in Florida. She’s so proud of herself that she discusses her gender and sexuality with 4 year olds pic.twitter.com/XOuuX6by4w
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 7, 2022
Trans non-binary elementary teacher says 3 year olds are old enough to learn about gender identity, sexual orientation, and pronouns. These are the people teaching your kids. pic.twitter.com/fylE9jCQrF
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 10, 2022
Graphic. A teacher in Maryland reportedly used a photo depicting male genitalia to teach middle schoolers about art. This is absolutely sickening. pic.twitter.com/55vDUX0AXn
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 7, 2022
.@NewHanoverCoSch implemented new policies for keeping changes to a student’s gender a secret from parents 🚩https://t.co/5D9pXwIZrw pic.twitter.com/a3Ef369C5p
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 7, 2022
.@PaloAltoUnified 1st grade teacher is excited to read books to 6 yr olds about little kids who become transgender. Sick pic.twitter.com/3oj6sGDeuE
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 6, 2022
CrT iS nOt TaUgHt In K-12. Except when activist teachers admit to it in @DPSNewsNow… pic.twitter.com/m26iic6c1u
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 6, 2022
Middle school in NYC. Homeschool your kids. pic.twitter.com/Wajk38gIGb
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 5, 2022
Barrington High School, RI is removing honors classes to be more “equitable.” Honors classes are racist now pic.twitter.com/NyNU42ZNTY
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 5, 2022
Drag king preschool teacher says she won’t follow the laws of the Parental Rights in Education bill pic.twitter.com/TlD0tFadn3
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 4, 2022
Kansas teacher says we have to teach kindergartners about LGBTQ because there are already kindergartners who are trans, non-binary, etc. Trans 5 year olds. pic.twitter.com/SYbbPx9SNM
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 5, 2022
🚨🚨🚨 This school is grooming MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS on the internet, and we have videos of it.
Watch as a 7th grader discusses coming out in 5th grade with the help of her school guidance counselor.
Let’s unpack what’s going on in the most woke school district in America. 🧵 pic.twitter.com/L21yX7spnj
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
UTTER INSANITY: @BrazosportISD secretly put a litter box in the bathroom in one of their schools for students who identify as furries 🚨🚨 pic.twitter.com/pM0Doa3V6g
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 4, 2022
These are the people teaching your kids… Any teacher who comes out to their students should be fired on the spot. pic.twitter.com/F3KMXFW0VK
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 4, 2022
Bottom of this school worksheet tells kids to “vote for Joe.”
This was in @LTSDistrict in Surprise, Arizona. 6th grade ELA & Social Studies with teacher Jill Neis, M.Ed. @ThePeoriaMom pic.twitter.com/6pRuJ0OxJR
— Nicole Solas Domestic Terrorist! (@Nicoletta0602) April 3, 2022
Tate High School in @IowaCitySchools brought in a DEI specialist for “PrideCon” and this is what she taught the students: pic.twitter.com/eHWkmyXFcG
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 3, 2022
Why would a classroom have 2 entire walls painted with the progress pride flag? pic.twitter.com/3vWVQFM2wN
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 3, 2022
Teacher explains how she sneaks in her LGBTQ activism while hiding it from parents who might complain 🚨 pic.twitter.com/xCiZenobZU
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 31, 2022
Another teacher @NKCSchools shows off her new books. This book talks about a child being genderfluid and not identifying with either gender. This is a Pre-K teacher. 4 year olds. pic.twitter.com/Hn9jpX2dQd
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 1, 2022
🚨 A school nurse was suspended for revealing that the school was secretly giving kids puberty blockers and helping kids transition behind their parents’ backshttps://t.co/8yxXPvRRaz pic.twitter.com/OcwuZ9Awc3
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 1, 2022
3rd grade teacher at @GracemorNKC teaches 8 year olds about gender identity and then “wonders if anyone [students] will change their minds” presumably about their gender.
These groomer teachers need to be fired. pic.twitter.com/uY2GkbzoI5
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 30, 2022
Kindergarten teacher at @SLPS_INFO posts about celebrating Trans Day of Visibility by reading book on pronouns to her 5 year old students pic.twitter.com/TtWfCzPbgZ
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 1, 2022
Narcissistic Florida 1st grade teacher has breakdown over the thought of not being able to talk about her marriage pic.twitter.com/EZkG80z59U
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 31, 2022
.@salemkeizer distributed pronoun buttons for teachers and students to choose their pronouns and wear to school so they can be gendered correctly. Some of the options include Ella and It. Get your kids out of these schools pic.twitter.com/beNoaYhzKA
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 31, 2022
“It makes me very angry when people don’t want to talk about gender and sexuality in classrooms”
This non-binary teacher is responsible for TWO year olds at a daycare. These are the people teaching your kids. pic.twitter.com/gEfPmyhmBS
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 30, 2022
Whoa! Leaked documents show how California Teachers Association advised teachers on how to spot and recruit students for GSA LGBT clubs. It also talks about secret keeping and “what is said here, stays here.” 🚩🚩 https://t.co/T03YsrTYLM pic.twitter.com/iHjZw0h8tF
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 30, 2022
These are internal messages from a 4th grade elementary teacher in @AustinISD. She’s upset that an entire week dedicated to LGBT still wasn’t good enough. Coincidentally, 20/32 of her FOURTH GRADERS are LGBT and have “come out” to her
What the hell is going on in these schools?! pic.twitter.com/dCPjBEW7jv
This content was originally published here.
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