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Did Biden Appoint a Gay Satanist to Lead the National Response to Monkeypox?

President Joe Biden has lived up to at least one of his campaign promises. No one can claim that his administration isn’t “tolerant” and “inclusive.”

In fact, the Biden White House is so inclusive that the man currently appointed to lead our response to the monkeypox outbreak could be a gay Satanist. Fancy that!

TPUSA journalist Benny Johnson shared several photos of the Biden appointee, Demetre Daskalakis, proudly brandishing a pentagram, the official symbol of the Church of Satan.

Meet Demetre Daskalakis.
Demetre was just appointed by Joe Biden to be the official White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator. Demetre proudly wears the official symbol of the Church of Satan: The Pentagram.
Joe Biden appointed a Satanist to the White House.

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 8, 2022

I’m a First Amendment Absolutist. Demetre has the right to believe & worship anything he wants.

Joe Biden did nothing illegal in appointing him.

But the American public has a right to know if Joe Biden appointed a Satanist.

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 8, 2022

The White House announced Daskalakis’ appointment as “White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator” back on Aug. 2.

One of the primary reasons for Deskalakis’s appointment, according to an official White House statement, was his experience working with the “LGBTQIA+” (yes, an official White House document used that entire acronym) community.

“Demetre Daskalakis, a leading public health expert, is currently Director of the CDC Division of HIV Prevention. Widely known as a national expert on health issues affecting the LGBGQIA+ communities, his clinical practice has focused on providing care for the underserved LGBTQIA+ communities,” the statement read.

“He previously oversaw management of infectious diseases for the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, one of the largest departments in the nation — including in serving as incident commander for the City’s COVID-19 response.”

One reason the White House sought out someone with such experience is that monkeypox has been shown to mostly target gay men.

A 2022 study showed as much.

Nevertheless, it seems likely that “inclusion” was a motivating factor in Daskalakis’ appointment.

Because of that fact, it appears that satan worshippers may officially be at the top levels of government.

Now, to be clear, if Daskalakis is the best man for the job, he’s the best man for the job regardless of any personal beliefs he may hold.

That being said, if the Biden administration has made anything clear during Biden’s current tumultuous tenure, it is that he doesn’t care about competence or qualifications.

All he and his neo-Communist/racial-Marxist cronies care about is adding “inclusion” of race, gender and creed.

Thanks to Daskalakis, the box marked “devil worshipper” could potentially be checked off of Biden’s arbitrary “diversity” list.

The post Did Biden Appoint a Gay Satanist to Lead the National Response to Monkeypox? appeared first on The Western Journal.

This content was originally published here.

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